Iranian IR Scholars and the ‘Other’

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University

2 Shahidbeheshti University


It is clear that Iranian IR thinking has a close relationship with perceptions, interpretations, and representations of the other among Iranian scholars of international relations, so such a study is very important for Iranian IR community. Assuming that the way in which the ‘other’ is constructed is a foundation for international thinking, the article explores the impact of metaphor (as an influential linguistic practice) on the formation of the ‘other’ in Iranian IR literature. On the basis of metaphorical analysis, Iranian texts on IR have been explored in order to find the metaphorical construction of the other by IR scholars in Iran. The article concludes that core conceptual metaphors including distribution, medical/ body, game/play and non-human metaphors have been used to represent the relationship between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’ rather than just representing the ‘other’. In contrast, peripheral conceptual metaphors like military, religion and psychology have been used for representing the instances of the antagonistic others such as the US and Israel.


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