Discursive Territoriality in Geopolitics

Document Type : Research Paper



Territoriality is considered in the political geography and geopolitics as one of the fundamental issues. Territoriality is man making political structure that seeks to divide space. Territoriality is political nature or the nature of the dispute and no existed without ruthless dividing of space into separate parts and the exclusive allocation of space. Therefore, territoriality is purposeful process and may pursue various purposes, including economic, security, identity, stimulus or even emotional. This paper intends to use the three elements of "space", "power" and "identity" to explain the formation process of discursive territoriality and using three categories: the context (proximate or distal), analytic form (post-/structuralize or interpretive-explanatory) and political stance (involved or detached), achieved the systematic and purposeful discourse analysis in critical geopolitics. And finally, with local and mouffe's theory of discourse divided into three interdependent apparatuses: the discourse apparatus, the identity apparatus and the politics apparatus this result is achieved the ways in which critical geopolitics scholarship has understood and made use of discourse analysis.


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