Divergent Role of the U.S in the Persian Gulf Region After the September ,11.

Document Type : Research Paper



Persian Gulf region due to geopolitical, geostrategic and geo-economics, one of the most important regions of the world. Because the energy sources and geographical location of sensitive political, have an important role in the structure international security and provides an atmosphere to play a starring role. The dominant position in the Persian Gulf is due to take place in the history of the Trans regional powers. A major extera_regional power in the U.S is dominate the Persian Gulf region, this is because consolidation strengthen its hegemony, for this reason, the U.S, especially after the September eleven has attempted to place strong and stable political and security arrangements in the Persian Gulf region to find. United States to achieve this important goal with chanting slogans such as: development democracy, resolve crises and security intended role of regional planning. But in fact, the U.S and its role in the region cause divergence between countries in the region. According to this is the main question in this study: "Divergent role of the U.S in the Persian Gulf region in the wake of what has been since September eleven?" to clarify the issue this paper using power-driven approaches neoclassical realism, this hypothesis implies that: "Considering the important position of geopolitical, geostrategic and geo-economics Persian Gulf and American interests in the region, a major U.S dominance over the region and one of the ways to increase the power and influence, according to the theory of realism undermine alliances and coalitions outside, the U.S is followed by the divergence between countries in the region to prevent the creation of a strong alliance."


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