The US and Russia Role in the Georgia and Ukraine Crises

Document Type : Research Paper



The collapse of the Soviet Union had many negative consequences for Russia in various fields of geo-strategic, geo-political and geo-economic position of the country and to some degree reduced its regional and international position. This decline was more evident in the Russia’s interested regions. So that US as the main challenger in the strategic areas of Russia tried to apply a long-term strategy to prevent Russia influence in the near abroad regions. These factors changed the conditions in which Russia could not be passive in its policy towards the US. Russia tried to challenge the US unilateral attempt to stabilize a unipolar system and the Russian government did not recognize the establishment of this system logical. The competition to determine the desired international order of the two countries had more impact on Georgia 2008 and Ukraine 2014 crises. This paper aims to address this question: US and Russia intervention in these two crises to what extent is caused by the influence of the two powers’ geopolitical incentives? To answer this question the paper uses the idea of "uni - multipolar" Huntington's premise. Base on such idea US-Russian competition in these crises is in fact, US effort to establish its desired order and to control Russia as an international great power. The research findings indicate that America will remain Russia geopolitical rivals and Russia desire to become a great power is based on its control on the last regions of the Soviet Union.


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