U.S. Foreign Policy, From Obama to Trump in the Middle East

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Isfahan

2 Islamic Azad University

3 Isfahan University


With the start of the presidency of Barack Obama and his promise to change that America's foreign policy orientation altered; talk and speculation increased about doctrines and principles of the foreign policy of the United States. Many criticisms have been done on Obama's foreign policy and in this regard different views were presented. It is said that the president of the United States in decision making is weak and hesitant or that he can not play a leading role in the world. Some analysts believe that the Obama administration's foreign policy lacks intellectual or ideological orientation. Some estimates the Barack Obama administration's foreign policy is pragmatic or realistic. The prominent Obama foreign policy legacy is the strategic shift from the Middle East to the Far East and focus US attention and resources towards Asia-Pacific. Which theoretical approach of international relations can provide better analysis and explanation of Barack Obama's foreign policy? This study indicates that the Barack Obama administration's foreign policy stems from the realism by using the analytical - explanatory method. In this regard, after examining the theory of political realism, we can show how Barack Obama's words and actions reflect the principles of political realism, and consequently, the legacy left behind for his successor.


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