Good Governance; the Mechanism for Creating Capacity for the Realization of Development

Document Type : Research Paper


1 law,political and law, azad karaj, karaj, iran

2 Azad University


The good governance indicators have a positive and significant relationship with development, especially with economic development. One of the reasons of negative economic growth in the last decade is inattention to the good governance indicators. The various indicators can be considered and evaluated in this regard. the six indicators that have been presented by the international organizations of the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank as follows: the right to comment and accountability, political stability and the avoidance of violence, the effectiveness of the government, the quality of laws and regulations, the rule of law and control of corruption. In the one hand, one can assume these indicators as a scale for evaluating of development, and in the other hand, we can say the development is result of attention to these indicators. Therefore, the effective linkage between these indicators and the development concepts is undeniable.Hence, in this paper, using statistics and information, it is tried to evaluate the impact of these indicators on the Iranian economy.


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