Sovereignty and Responsibility to Protect in Light of International Criminal Law

Document Type : Research Paper



In the past, the concept of sovereignty was restriced to the the independenceof a state bothe from other states and from international legal obligations. The absolute concept of sovereignty has been under several attacks due to the process of globalization, the emergence of new actors on the international plane and a growing interdependence in the international legal system caused many international lawyers redefine this concept. In this regard some aspects of the liability components of the sovereignty of the state was considered. Although the concept of ‌sovereignty as responsibility to protect was developed, mainly with regard to the concept of "humanitarian intervention". but the responsibility to protect entails additional measures such as the responsibility of prevention, responsibility to act and responsibility to rebuilt. It can be effective in conceiving and developing goals and performance of international criminal law. Therefore, this article seeks to explain this discussion and analysis the fundamental principles of international criminal law in prevention, reaction, and rebuilt (three main components of responsibility to protect). International Criminal Court and the government have a shared responsibility.The principle of cooperation between national and international level, is an expression of the principle of subsidiarity in international criminal law that interpreted to supplementary jurisdiction. This notion not only regulates the allocation of competences between national and international criminal jurisdictions, but also informs the application of competences in relations between states as well.


الف-  فارسی
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