Evolution of the Concept of Power in Iran's Regional Policy in the 11th Government: A Reading on the Saudi Arabia Response to it

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHd Candidate

2 Department of Political Science, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Changing power equations at a global level has had a profound effect on changing the nature of Iran's foreign policy in the Middle East. In the years since 2013, with the election of Hassan Rouhani as Iran's president, Soft Power has officially been on the agenda in Tehran. However, at the regional level, this was accompanied by a reaction from regional powers, and in particular Saudi Arabia. In this regard, the question raised in the present article is: "What has been the application of soft power in Iranian regional politics under Hassan Rouhani in terms of what components of Saudi Arabia's plan and reactions have been Iran's most important regional competitor to this Iranian soft power transformation?” Saudi Arabia initially showed a positive attitude towards Iran's soft power under President Hassan Rouhani. However, Donald Trump's rise to power on the one hand and the Saudi embassy’s fire in Tehran have become factors in the country's comprehensive confrontation with Rouhani's foreign policy in the region. As a result, we can see that Saudi Arabia has come under pressure from Trump against Iran. Predictive confrontation with Iran led Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Bahrain. Efforts have also been made to create a "NATO-Arab" coalition to undermine the soft power of the Rouhani government.


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