The Formation and restriction model of popular mobilization forces in Iraq

Document Type : Research Paper


Azad University


The inability of the official Iraqi security forces to contain the crisis caused by the rise of ISIS forced the Iraqi government to mobilize forces to establish an auxiliary defense structure. This defense structure, known as the popular mobilization forces, grew as part of the Iraqi security forces, but the political and religious grouping in the popular mobilization forces and historical hostility of Some of these groups to the United States, as well as the social incompatibility of Sonnies and Kurds with the popular mobilization forces as an Shiite-centeredness organization became a challenge between popular mobilization forces and the Iraqi government. As a result, led Iraqi government to restrict the popular mobilization forces. Accordingly, this article tries to answer this question, that what is the restriction model of popular mobilization forces in Iraq?
This article is based on the hypothesis that the popular mobilization forces formed on necessity in Iraq but internal political-religious groupings in the organization and the difficulty of controlling their activities was riskily. This process will lead the Iraqi government to try to control and weaken the popular mobilization forces by downsizing And Create discipline to the organization, controlling the ground mobility of units, and maintaining and using weapons.
In this paper, an attempt is made to extract possible strategies for controlling the challenges surrounding popular mobilization forces by using the trend analysis method.
The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of policies around the research topic.


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