The application of human rights in the age of information from the perspective of constructivism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 . PhD of Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The age of information, which involves new methods of transferring information and free access to information, has caused human rights laws to become international custom and ultimately a binding principle in international law. Human beings should be placed beyond the territory of the internal sovereignty of countries and human rights should be promoted from the second-class position to the first-class position in politics. The research question is, what will be the status and application of human rights in the information age? The hypothesis of the emergence of information technology, information, education, implementation of human rights becomes more operational, practical and enforceable. In this article, the following topics are addressed to answer the research question, which are: Human rights education, which is considered an international obligation and has a decisive role in the development of human rights in the information age. Human rights movements that have played a role in shaping and guiding global public opinion, protests and creating serious challenges for governments. International organizations related to human rights that have made extensive efforts to promote the principles and standards of human rights in the last two centuries. Also, the compilation of international conventions and the public domain of human rights, which can be considered the press as one of the most important institutions of the public domain, whose purpose is to inform, criticize the government, familiarize the government with the needs of the people, and finally, the formation of the world government


Human rights are one of the legal and political achievements of the modern era, however, the crisis that arose in its foundations has also spread to this achievement, including signs and symptoms that indicate the existence of this crisis in the concept of human rights, failure to act It is the countries that voted positively for the provisions of this declaration. The countries that are the birthplace of modernity and the concept of human rights, consider these provisions to be applicable within their own country and in a better situation, and they do not have this policy for other people who live in other places. But with the entry into the information age, which involves new methods of moving information and free access to information, human rights and freedoms in the cyberspace will be very controversial, and we want to show in this research what human rights are in the information age. finds a situation. The research question is what is the status and application of human rights in the information age? The hypothesis of the emergence of information technology, information, education, implementation of human rights becomes more operational, practical and enforceable.
2-Theoretical Framework
Constructivism is an approach that was proposed in sociology before the plan in international relations and has become one of the main theories of international relations since the late 1980s and early 1990s. In terms of content, this approach is placed between two paradigms and the main stream, i.e. realism on the one hand and idealism on the other. Alexander Went believes that the world does not have a certain future and it cannot be said that it will reach certain conditions based on predetermined algebra. But the transformation that has occurred in people's understanding of the world can inevitably lead us to a world government. And his opinion is that a world government will emerge between the next 100 and 200 years, but nothing can be predicted for sure. According to his opinion, as long as the international system is a single system, the formation of a world government can be a development This research, based on the constructivist approach of Alexander WentThe theoretical framework is the constructivism and completion of Alexander Went's theory about human rights and global governance is used.


This article aims to show the applications and methods of using information technology on human rights. In this sense, in Kant's time, that is, in the modern era, there was no technology to implement and operationalize human rights, but now, step by step, the realization of human rights is being implemented objectively. According to the theoretical perspective of the article, the method used in this article is the interpretation method.


The increasing development of new information and communication technologies in the first decades of the 21st century has changed the technology paradigm governing societies from industrial technology to information-communication technology, in the age of information, with the availability of human rights education methods have changed and are followed with more speed and quality. Currently, human rights education environments provide the most efficiency for human rights education by making the internet available. Technology has made it possible for people to follow their educational process regardless of time and place. In the realm of human rights since the transformation of the global communications network by electronic means, globalization has intensified and accelerated the capacity of civil society to organize. Through e-mail and the Internet, civil society activists have quick access to knowledge, quick capacity to criticize policy decisions of governments, international organizations, transnational corporations, and quick capacity to interact with each other. on the other hand, social movements form transnational advocacy networks that exert pressure simultaneously on local, national, and international fronts and use both formal and informal means to achieve their goals. International human rights organizations, with the diversity of their activities, have influenced the human destiny in an increasing way and have penetrated into all fields of international relations and have ended the isolation of governments in the field of international relations. Organizations on a large scale make the international community aware of the dire state of human rights. These organizations can be effective in helping victims of human rights violations. In the same way, the information revolution has caused the acceleration of the speed of dissemination of data and ideas, fast and cheap access to information causes rapid publication of news, events and promotion of public awareness in the society, and with the use of information technology, all existing systems undergo tremendous changes and transformations; In a way that makes it possible for people to participate as much as possible in political and government processes and public opinion increases the responsibility of governments in human rights demands, and finally that in the age of globalization, governments are increasingly under pressure due to a set of external and internal factors and are forced to answer for their actions before the international community. This issue limits their freedom of action and causes them to participate and interfere in many cases to improve the human rights situation in their country.
4-Conclusion and Suggestions
Until the end of the 20th century, all the paradigms of the philosophy of political science and international relations considered it impossible to create human rights regimes, but in the 21st century, Alexander Went, like a technologist, declares that the world government is inevitable, and if in the past Leviathan Globalization could not be realized due to the limitation of technology, now we are moving towards the world government at a high speed. According to Wendt, the future world is not certain and it cannot be said that it will reach specific conditions based on predetermined algebra. But the kind of transformation that has occurred in people's understanding of the world can inevitably lead us to a world government.


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