Chines Gaining Power and US Strategy: Instrumental look to UNSC



Accelerating economic, political and military developments within increase in infiltration and influence of China in international system, especially in Asia-Pacific region have always been preoccupations and concerns of US politicians and strategists. United states have resorted to many different strategies and tactics in order for restrain China and affect over it. Since US and China are both permanent members of United Nations Security Council, and both enjoy veto right, though in two recent decades in spite of the licit and structural equality of normal vote and veto for these two countries and other permanent members in the case of taking a decision, US normal vote and applying veto due to its high power, is more influential and valuable in terms of substantive regarding China. But, since the two recent decades because of growing the influence of China in Asia pacific and international field, gradually the time value of US and China are getting equal and also due to Chinese` peaceful prestige in the international arena regarding US, it’s getting more in favor of China. So, this paper is to study whether what strategies US has taken to curb Chines influence and effects In the UNSC and international fields. Our perception in this paper is that US by supporting the membership of Chines old rivals, that is Japan and India in the UNSC by adjusting Chines power is to curb the Chines the influence and the effectiveness of China votes and decision in the UNSC and playing effective role in Asia Pacific.
