The Study of The Transitional Governments Similarity Approaches Towards U.S in Iran and Egypt After Revolution.



The similarity of Egypt and Iran's transitional government foreign policy toward U.S, is a significant subject for study. The present article try to answer to this question that, why the transitional governments in both country after revolution, had similarity approach toward U.S. Two internal and external variables are considered to form some hypothesis to answer this question. The lack of social status in the transitional governments and the need for foreign support might be an important reason for this approach. Another question is that why the approach in Iran and Egypt is different after the end of transitional governments. The present study attempts to study the case through the comparative study of transitional governments in Egypt and Iran and give appropriate response to the above question. The findings also suggest that both external and internal variables of the transition states U.S. Similarity of approach has been effective and the difference in origin as the difference between the two is in the process of transition
