Analyzing the Basic Economic and Political Capacity of Iran in a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with China

Document Type : Research Paper


1 , PhD in International Relations, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 , Corresponding Author, Professor of International Relations, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.


The relations between Iran and China have had ups and downs throughout history, which have never ended in complete enmity. The relations between the two countries have entered a new form in the past decade, which has led to "comprehensive strategic partnership" between them. With the introduction of a comprehensive strategic partnership and a 25-year contract between the two countries, political and economic convergence has been relatively improving. Comprehensive strategic partnership through Western sanctions and Iran's turning away from the West and Tehran's approach of looking to the East, intensifying the blockade of oil sales and reducing trade exchanges by sanctions, China's need to partner with Iran in order to complete the Belt and Road Project and supply energy and develop exports. , the counter-hegemony approach of Iran and China and the mental and historical commonality of the leaders from colonialism has brought economic and political convergence between Iran and China, which is the purpose of this article to investigate and analyze the cause of these convergences and capacities. The research method in this article is descriptive-explanatory.


The relationship between Tehran and Beijing is due to the geopolitical and economic situation and the requirements of the international system, which is tied to "national interests". The depth of relations between China and Iran after the revolution of Mao and the Islamic revolution has shared international identities that have a place in the historical understanding and mentality of the people of the two countries. Considering the regional and international situation and its requirements, as well as the conditions of the two countries, the two countries have tried to develop bilateral cooperation, which results in cooperation in the form of; The "comprehensive strategic partnership" manifested in the 25-year contract that can be in line with the policies of both sides to complete the Belt and Road.

Theoretical Framework

In this article, we have used the theories of convergence, cognitive evolution and counter-hegemony. In fact, with Adler's theory of convergence and cognitive theory, we have believed in a kind of alignment between Iran and China, that their approach, in addition to seeking benefits, through knowledge, they try to "change" the international order, which includes a "counter-hegemony" nature. One of the reasons for looking to the east is by Iran, which has played an effective role in the form of comprehensive strategic partnership. On the other hand, China, considering its goals in the international system, which is opposing unilateralism, is one of the methods of this country, it is trying to enter into convergence and cooperation with different countries through partnerships and not "alliances" in such a way as to reduce tensions within the framework of the international system. Not be created and the framework of the countries in question should have a peaceful procedure.


The research method in this article is descriptive-explanatory, and the data of the article is of the library and internet type, which was done in the form of Taking notes.

Results & Discussion

First, he sees the comprehensive strategic partnership between Iran and China in several dimensions, for example, he does not consider Iran's need to sell oil as an important factor, and he does not consider China's alignment with Iran to be merely economic, and he emphasizes that the approach of the two countries can be used to counter hegemony. Second, he has considered the capacities of this partnership beyond the normal capacities of this type of China's partnerships with other countries. Third, in the article, we see a kind of holism and comprehensiveness of participation, which can be seen in many neglected aspects of the works in line with this scientific work. Fourth, the article is based on the idea that if Iran was able to curb the Western sanctions and did not face the West's bad promises, maybe the view of the East would not be so strong. Also, in the article, from a theoretical point of view, a kind of meta-theory has been used, and in a way, it is a dimension of the theory of format over method, format in theories of international relations, but has used a kind of conceptual model, and in other words, it is a theory of format over method and data. Which can be said: propositions are arranged based on analysis.  Iran currently has an urgent and fundamental need due to the discussion of sanctions against China and the sale of oil for the purpose of domestic and foreign financing, China also understands well both the position of Iran and the capacities that Iran has in the region.

Conclusions & Suggestions

Considering China's economic approach, as well as the anti-hegemonic approach and the approach of looking to the east of Iran, which was caused by ideological, economic and political blockade from the West, Iran and China have tried to have a growing trend in political and economic alignment with China, which initially It started through a comprehensive strategic partnership and led to a 25-year contract, and the two countries can have a new approach in the form of a comprehensive strategic partnership, taking into account the international conditions and requirements, as well as understanding the environment, considering the gaps of liberal power in global politics. Against the policies of the West and America in the region and the world. China has tried to become an active actor in the region, especially in West Asia, mostly through performance and movement within the current and structural frameworks and using international organizations, and Iran mostly with a philosophical character and outlook, and of course within its limits and according to its own requirements.


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