Position of Hybrid Warfare in China’s Territorial Integration: A Case Study Taiwan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's student of International Relations, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran


Efforts to create a unified land and reclaim historical borders are important and strategic principles in the foreign policy of the People's Republic of China. Taiwan, as one of the regions separated from the motherland, has always been one of the main goals of this country in the direction of territorial integrity, and in the meantime, China has used various policies to implement this approach. It has been a land. However, the current research seeks to answer the question of what tactics China has used in line with the combined war against Taiwan. The findings of the research show that cyber attacks, attempts at international isolation, and media warfare have been China's most important tactics against Taiwan in the direction of territorial integrity. The current research is explanatory and uses the conceptual framework of combined warfare. The method of collecting materials is library type, and the territorial integrity of China is the independent variable and the combined war is the dependent variable of the article.
