Future study of the economy of private written media in Iran In order to present the model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in media management, Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Media Management, Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Visiting Professor, Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Media Management, Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


The developments in the press world are linked with the developments in media technology. Maintaining the audience of written media and sustainability in competitive markets is one of the most important concerns of press managers. In this research, in order to overcome these challenges, an attempt is made to draw the future study of the economy of private written media and by presenting a model to find out how the economy of private written media should be turned so that they pass the path of success. This research was carried out using the Delphi method and based on a combination of conventional methods in future research and after extracting the key trends of the press industry and their basic components, the propulsion were analyzed and finally three scenarios with the highest probability of occurrence were compiled. The first scenario by predicting the possibility of economic contraction and the lack of money injection and government support will lead to the creation of integrated laws and the reduction of legal restrictions, and ultimately the trust of the audience and the provision of deep content. Legal removal and entry into virtual space and paying attention to the audience's interests should also be limited. In the third scenario, with the possibility of economic dynamism and the injection of money and government support, it is predicted to create a closed policy and enter the virtual space in an all-round way, and as a result, we will have the audience's lack of interest in the press


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