.Geoenergics of Iran in the period of Energy Transition, with emphasis on the geoenergics of natural gas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Geography Department- Najafabad Branch- Islamic Azad University- Najafabad- Iran

2 Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

3 , Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.


As a branch of postmodern geopolitics, geoenergics has a special place in the economic growth and development of countries today and in the early decades of the 21st century. in the last three decades after the end of the Cold War, despite the geoeconomics and geoenergics privileged position, our country has not reached a position commensurate with the capacities and potentials of its geographical economy. . The main problem of the research is, how is the role and importance of natural gas in global energy trade and Iran's geoenergics, in the period of energy transition and until the end of the first half of the 21st century at the regional and global levels? The research method is based on the purpose of the applied type and based on the nature of the descriptive and analytical type. The results and findings of the research show that due to the advantages, increasing demand and consumption of natural gas in the transition period on the one hand, and the geographical location and unique geoenergics capacities of Iran for the production and export of natural gas on the other hand, the development of production and export infrastructure Natural gas can compensate for the decrease in Iran's oil exports and revenues during the period of transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies.
Keywords: (Geoenergics, Geopolitics of Energy, Geoeconomics, Economic Diplomacy, Natural Gas)
