The Transition From Globalization to Nationalism; United States and China in the Post-COVID World Order-19

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Mazandaran.

2 PhD Student in International Relations, Kharazmi University


Whereas globalization and its various dimensions have challenged the Westphalian system and the resulting traditional regimes; The Covid-19 epidemic has intensified debates over the dominant theoretical paradigm of international relations about the fundamental change in the world economic order. The liberal view predicts the continuation of economic globalization after the epidemic. The dominant current of realism expects nationalism instead of globalization, given the negative structural consequences of this epidemic on the global economy. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the question of what effect Covid-19 can have on the process of global economic order? The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and statistical analysis, library studies and documents have been used to answer the main question. The research hypothesis is that economic globalization has been in transition since the 2008 financial crisis, and one important but non-exclusive factor in explaining this change is the evolving economic relationship between the United States and China, which has shifted from coexistence to increasing competitiveness. Economic reconstruction in the United States and China has begun since the 2008 crisis and accelerated since the start of the Trade War and the Covid-19. The research findings show that the post-corona world will be a world with intensifying nationalist rivalries over the restoration of economic power and political influence.
