Comparative Analysis of Dar al-Arqam in Malaysia and Boko Haram in Nigeria: Traditional Religious Actions Against Western Modernity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Law, Political Sciences and History Department - Political Sciences. university yazd. yazd. iran.

2 PhD in IR, lecturer at shahid bahonar universityو Faculty of law and theology, department of political science. kerman. iran


In the contemporary Islamic world, numerous movements have arisen. These movements have navigated the dichotomy between their own Islamic traditions and Western modernity to find a role in the political arena. Some have endeavored to emulate the West. Some have chosen to reject Western influences, while others have sought to integrate Islamic traditions with Western modernity. Meanwhile, the movements that have pursued the rejection of the West have generated substantial noise, yet they have similarly failed in attaining power. This study aims to identify the nature of political movements within contemporary Islam through a comparative analysis of two anti-Western sentiment in the Eastern and Western Islamic world. Employing Przeworski and Teune’s comparative method of different systems design, it seeks to address the central question of the commonalities and differences between the Dar al-Arqam movement in Malaysia and Boko Haram Nigeria. examining the essence, motivations for formation, operational methods, and eventual fates of these two movements, this study concludes that both have rejected Western influences through a traditionalist interpretation. Nonetheless, their operational approaches, interpretations of Islam, and geographical influences differ significantly.
