Securitization of the immigration phenomenon in the in the European Union: with an Emphasis on Muslim Minority

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of International Relations, Department of Political Science, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Corresponding Author, Associate Professor of International Relations, Political Science Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. E-mail:


Immigration has experienced a significant surge in the past few decades as a result of a variety of factors. The proximity of Europe to critical regions, such as the Middle East and North Africa, has resulted in an increase in the immigration of Muslims to Europe since 2015. However, in recent years, extreme right-wing and racist tendencies have gained traction in nearly all European countries. Some extreme right-wing parties and Western media have used immigrants, particularly Muslims, as a convenient scapegoat, characterizing them as threats to their identity, values, culture, and economy. This study analyzed the perception of Europeans toward Muslim immigrants to determine whether the immigration of Muslims to the European Union (EU) is a genuine or fabricated threat. This was a descriptive-analytical study that employed the Copenhagen school as the theoretical framework. The study findings indicated that the immigration of Muslims to European countries is predominantly a threat fabricated by certain politicians.
